Our Prices
Room of carpet...... $30 (up to 200 sq.ft.)
Staircase...............$35-$45 depending on size
Sofa..................... $79.95
Sectional Sofa........$120-$145 depending on size
Ottoman............... $14.95 to $24.95 depending on size
Area Rugs..............$20 & up depending on size
Armchair................$35 & up depending on size
Tile & Grout............$0.30 per sq.ft. & up depending on size
All prices include deep steam cleaning, shampooing, spot-stain treatment, odor treatment, sanitizing and deodorizing.
For any other information call us at (954) 625-9910
or email us at ecogreencarpetcare@yahoo.com
* A minimum order of $65 & up applies depending on location
* We always use deep steam cleaning
* Free deodorizing & free stain treatment included in the price
* All pictures and videos displayed on this website are the property of
Eco Green Carpet Care LLC and can not be reproduced or used by anybody without our consent.
* We can not guarantee 100% same results on your carpet/rug/tiles or upholstery as advertised, as in some cases, those are permanently damaged/stained.